326 pages
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-61188-054-0
Paperback $15.95
E-book $5.99
Twelve Months
Don DiMarco has a very good life – a family he loves, a comfortable lifestyle, passions and interests that keep him amused. He also thought he had time, but that turned out not to be the case. Faced with news that might have immediately felled most, Don now wonders if he has time enough. Time enough to show his wife the romance he didn’t always lavish on her. Time enough to live out his most ambitious fantasies. Time enough to close the circle on some of his most aching unresolved
relationships. Summoning an inner strength he barely realized he possessed, Don sets off to prove that twelve months is time enough to live a life in full.
A glorious celebration of each and every moment that we’re given here on Earth, as well as the eternal bonds that we all share, Twelve Months is a stirring testament to the power of the human spirit.

#1 Amazon Bestseller (Kindle; paid)
#2 B&N Bestseller (Nook; paid)
2014 London Book Festival - Winner
2014 Paris Book Festival Award - Winner
2013 Living Now Book Awards - Silver Medal
2013 Winner San Francisco Book Festival Award
2013 Winner DIY Book Festival Award
2013 Indie Excellence Books Awards Finalist
2013 International Book Awards Finalist
2013 New York Book Festival Runner-Up
2013 Hollywood Book Festival Runner-Up
2013 Winner New England Book Festival Award
Conversations Top 50 Title for 2012

“An undeniable heart-tugging read that you will not forget and leave you with a feeling of serenity. An extraordinary read! Not only do I highly recommend this book but would absolutely state that it is a must read!”
– CMash Reads
“Move over, Nicholas Sparks! Steven Manchester’s Twelve Months is a book that will stay with you long after you’ve read the last page. Its story offers the reader a precious peek into heaven and will make you want to live better and love more. Steven Manchester is my new favorite author!”
– Susan Farr-Fahncke, author and editor, 2theheart.com
“I highly recommend this book to everyone and anyone. It will burn the will to live into your soul. But you may want to keep a box of tissues near by, just in case.”
– The Coffee Cup
“A story well worth reading…. The book won’t be for everybody but for some it could easily be their favorite book of the year.”
– The View from the Philpside
“Twelve Months is a beautiful, heart-warming, and necessary read for all, especially those caught up in the monotonous schedule of work, food, TV (or other techno gadgets), et al. Steven Manchester writes about life as it really is and really could be! Terrific!”
– Crystal Book Reviews