242 pages
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-61188-068-7
Trade Paperback $14.95
E-book $7.99
The Rockin' Chair
Memories are the ultimate contradiction. They can warm us on our coldest days – or they can freeze a loved one out of our lives forever. The McCarthy family has a trove of warm memories. Of innocent first kisses. Of sumptuous family meals. Of wondrous lessons learned at the foot of a rocking chair. But they also have had their share of icy ones. Of words that can never be unsaid. Of choices that can never be unmade. Of actions that can never be undone.
Following the death of his beloved wife, John McCarthy – Grandpa John – calls his family back home. It is time for them to face the memories they have made, both warm and cold. Only then can they move beyond them and into the future.
A rich portrait of a family at a crossroad, The Rockin’ Chair is Steven Manchester’s most heartfelt and emotionally engaging

“The Rockin’ Chair is a tightly knit tearjerker – a work better than anything Nicholas Sparks has ever written.”
– Jon Land, bestselling author of Pandora’s Temple
“Move over, Nicholas Sparks! The Rockin’ Chair is a literary gift. Captivating and endearing from the very first page, Steve Manchester weaves a tender and powerful story that you will not forget. Make way for this new writer at the top, and make room for more of his books on your shelf !”
– Susan Farr-Fahncke, Editor, www.2theheart.com
“In The Rockin’ Chair, Steven Manchester has created a book that can change the world. If only everyone would listen to Grampa John and express their love for each other, what a different world it would be.”
– Heather Froeschl, Book Reviewer, BookReview.com
“The Rockin’ Chair is a fantastic read! From the opening chapter to the final page, it is a rivoting tale. I highly recommend it.”
– Dorothy Thompson, Editor, The Writers Life
“The Rockin’ Chair is a wonderful story; one that I couldn’t put it down once I got started. And yes, I cried in the end.”
– Elodia Tate, Author, Open My Eyes, Open My Soul